blog entry

Finally, a tutorial for me!

April 10, 2024

Last day at parents' place before I head back to the city to my apartment. Not much happened other than another really hot and stressful day. I took advantage of being here and asked my mom for a buncha groceries for free, got some sausages and plenty of veggies, which should sustain me for a looong while. With the price of things nowadays, I'm really happy and thankful she's willing to get me them for basically free.

In other news, I went back to the Ollie 3D model.... and started over, whoops! I found that the other tutorial I watched didn't let me get the results I wanted, plus is was wayyy outdated, by some luck though, I did find one that was just exactly what I was looking for, so I figured, hey, let's start from scratch! I did some pretty good progress, and this method is much faster and easier for me.

He started off looking a lil strange, but after sticking to it, and lots and lots of trusting in the process, I managed to finish his head and hair! Which is tremendously farther than what I managed with the other tutorial I followed, and he looks much cuter too! This style reminds me a lot of the Megaman Legends models, and it makes me very happy because lookit him!!!! I can't wait to start modelling his body and clothes soon when I get back :D I will also say the texture editing method is just more fun to me, I get to see results faster, and there's not much vertices bullshit to go around with.

That's all for today, can't wait to be heading back tomorrow! Freedom again!