blog entry

Entering 3 Dimensions

April 4, 2024

I recently came back home around the end of March for my semestral break. Pretty unremarkable return but after the hell that was my thesis semesters, I'll take it very happily!

I also finally got to meet the new kitty my parents took in; Milo. He's a sweet little baby kitty they found (yet again) in our backyard, he must be around a few weeks old only, he still squeaks rather than meowing and is still not sure how he should be using his fat little cat body. He constantly gets the zoomies and seems to like attacking our feet for some reason. But he's such a sweet little guy...

Me being me, I struggled with drawing ANYTHING that isn't a commission recently, it might be burn out, or the really hot provincial weather (thanks Filipino summer). I turned to a different medium to try to get into in hopes of getting myself to do something particularly creative. So I decided to give Blender yet again another chance! Instead of going for something small, I predictably, wanted to go big and try modelling a low poly Ollie model I also plan on rigging.

It's been going okay so far, especially since I literally just started this today.... Before noon o_O I hope I don't get frustrated and give up this time!!!!

SPEAKING of giving old things another try, I got back into an old mobile MMORPG me and my younger brother got into, it's called The World of Magic. It's been around for about 10 years now I believe, maybe even longer. I started playing when I was like 14 I think? The game at its core hasn't really changed much, apart from a UI overhaul... and a lot, and I mean a LOT of farming bots. It's still the same grindy, slow, full of infighting game I knew it was years ago, I ended up getting hooked into it and now my ranger character is at level 18 -- that doesn't sound impressive, but this game is notorious for its extremely slow leveling grind, most players struggle to reach level 30, and when I was younger it took me MONTHS to get to level 20, and I got to level 18 in about a week tops B^)

I aim to reach level 20 by the time I return to the city and back to my apartment again! Which is like less than a week!

In other news, I found myself looking at pics of me with a much shorter, more masculine wolf cut from 2 years ago, and now I'm yearning. I want my short hair back!!!!! My hair is only at medium length right now but it's extremely frizzy and wild, it gets so many tangles even when I'm just sitting still and it's not any less painful brushing (more like pulling) the tangles out. I'm definitely gonna get it cut again when I get back, since I'm gonna start looking for internships and/or work soon, I wanna look as comfy and as handsome as possible :P