Welcome to ollieznotepad!

This is my personal little corner of the world wide web, and my hideaway in this current time.

What is this place?

This place is my own little hole I dug in this corner of the internet that I will dump my thoughts to. This will serve as my personal repository and a new home away from social media, which has grown more and more hostile as time went on -- especially to artists who draw the same niche as I do. There are other places for artists that are in the same circles as I am, but they aren't exactly the best of placces, but they do work well as a gallery/art archive.

I plan to add on more stuff here in the future, and with that comes many, many... many layout changes. I hope you enjoy this little place I've made! Sign my guestbook if you'd like :D

Site changelog

2024 June 14: Monthly layout change (in progress), again!

Webrings and Affiliates

Check out these webrings and other cool sites (some of these are NSFW, proceed with caution)!